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Le ogfey”‘“eysqeures --In the following accounts of what befell various crew-members of the
"Fukuryu Maru'', it must be strongly euphasized that of all the 23 men only the
two Tokyo patients were adequately examined,

Even in tnese latter cases, ail

laboratory reports are from the Tokyo University Hospital's charts, which were
generously opened to the A.E.C.C. physicians.

There were seven less than adequate case histories and physical


The 21 cases at Yaizu were sketchi-

The A.3.C.C. personnel were not allowed to perform any laboratory

Because of the restrictions in time end examining facilities, the four

patients with a white blood cell count below 4000 at any time (most severe
catagory) and three other patients, whose white blood cell counts were within
the nornal range (less severe catagory) were examined,

Thus a total of nine

cases were seen,


This patient felt well until 1 Varch 1954.

At about 4 a.m. Harch 1, 1954,

he saw a red flash on the hovizon to the east (this was through the cabin win-


He imntediately went out on the deck and through derk glasses viewed the

flash, which continued to be evident for three minutes,

The skipper of the ship

thought the flash was due to an atomic bomb and, therefore, ordered the bringing
in of the fishing lines,

Five minutes after the flash there was a loud blast

and twc minutes later there were two faint reports,

About cne end one-half

hours lete: the patient noticed a darkening of the sky and then there was a
shower of ash or dust,

At this tire the chip was running toward the ezst at

three knots per hour; the wind was blowing towards the west at approximately
two meters per second,

Select target paragraph3