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were joined by Dr. Nakaiauzuni, Dr. Nagai and Dr. Maki for coordination of this

Dr. Nakaidzumi, professor of Radiology at Tokyo University, had moni-

tored the ship and had seen the patients several times since they had landed
on March 14th at Yaizu,

Dr. Nagai and Dr. Maki represented the National In-

stitute of Health (Dr. Maki acts as Co-director of the A.B.C.o. in Hiroshima),
Dr, Nakaidzumi was of the greatest essistance to us,

He guided us over the

ship, indicated the spots which were of special interest,
take whatever samples we desired,

He allowed us to

He conducted us to the fish market and made

available the fish which had been saved for scientific purposes,

He took us to

the hospital and had the physicists use their Geiger counters on the hair, nails,
etc., of the patients,
All 21 patients had been assembled in the hospital there,

Four of the most

seriously injurec according to their low white counts, ana three others as a

sample of the remaining 15 patients were examined,

This study will be added

in the body of the report,
The report of the radiation studies will be supplied by Colonel Meek.


Nakaidzumi has promised to give us complete inforuation on his monitoring of the
srip from the first date he examined it up to and including his last examination
as of liarch 21,

This will be added to Colcnel Meek's repcrt,




Select target paragraph3