| It was indicated that after this survey that it would be highly desirable to see
the other members of the crew at Yaizu; to make appropriate examination of then,
and to render any assistance possible to all the patients.

The ship "Fukuryu

Maru" was to be monitored for evidence of residual radiation activity and reports
on all the above to be sent to Washington as expeditiously as possible,
rrangerents to get to Tokyo quickly were facilitated by the assignment of
a C-4.7 by the USAF which brought us to Tokyo on Thursday, March 18th, lending
at the airport at 1300.

The team selected from A.B.C.C. staff to take pert in

this activity were:

LT, Jack J. Lewis, USNR, Acting Chief of Medicine
Dr. Seiichi Shimomura, General Medicine - bilingual
Dr. Takashi Fujii, Medicine, Hematologist - bilingual
Dr. Mary Sears, Medicine, Hematologist
Miss Katsumi Tsuchitori, Laboratory Technician, very experienced
The proper Japanese authorities were contacted and arrangexents made to
examine the patients at Tokyo University Hospital on March 16th,

Tsuzuki was cooperative and helpful,

Dr. Masao

A complete physical examination of these

patients was obtained and is here subtended in the body of the report,
There being no radiation physicists in the 4.B.°.o. group, assistance was
asked of the Armed Forces,

General Standlee offered the services of men in

his Command who had been trained in this discipline.
in charge of this group.

Colonel McNinch was put

The Air Force also supplied a competent team under

Lt. Col. Arthur Meek,
The second phase of the investigation at Yaizu wes carried out on itarch 20,
A C-47 plane took us down end back,

ee De


The medical group and the radiation physicists


Select target paragraph3