

For the first time a population hasbeen subjected to a highly radio-

active fall out for an appreciable length of time,

This small population wes only raciated and there could not be the

other factors of blast and heat.

This radiated group, because of the circurstances, was forced to live

in a radioactive contaminated shelter, we2r radioactive clothes_,, eat radioactive food, and wash with radioactive water,

For the first time a group has respired in a radioactive atmosphere for

several hours.


For the first time a group has eaten hizhly radioactive foods,


There is the highly relevant question of a ship fleeing towards the

Hast from an event in the west running into a radioactive dust coming towards

it from the Last,

Yew will the signs and symptoms of the fall out effects differ from

the riciation 2ffects of the Yiroshina and Nagasaki bsnmbs?

Lastly, what will be the ultimate fate of these men not only in terms

of days or years; but in terms of their age of death, cause of death, procreation,
genetic mutations, etc.?
At the request of the Atomic Energy Comcission, the directcr of the Atomic
Bomb Casualty Commission was asked to proceed to Tokyo to cetermine the condition
of two patients who were reported to be there.

Ee was instcucted to make as

careful an appraisal as he could of their present status and of their progress
Since arrival on March 15th,

These two patients vere considered to be the most

Seriously injured of the crew and had been taken to Tokyo University Hospital
where Japanese experts would be responsible for their examination and treatxent.


Select target paragraph3