The Fukuryu Maru Noe 5 is a vessel of unknown age.

It was captured by

the Indonesians in World War II, which implies at least 13 years of sea

The Fukuryu Maru is 9909 tonse

It follows somewhat the general

plans for tunny boats built at the Yaizu shipyarc:. differing from the usual

vessel in being about 50 tonselighter.
The vessel was monitored on at least three different occassions.


Tokyo University group headed by Drs Nakaidzumi and Kakehi generously gave
ABCC their figures for March 17 and 20 (see Appendix).

An American team from

the United States Air Force visited the ship on 20 March and took a few
readings given below.
“Ae Average overall level of radiation from boat is about 20 mr per hour.
Radiation is gamma.

Be Crew quarters 35 mr

C. Open deck 8 mr
De. Covered passageways 12 mr
Value of 50 R as minimom accumlated dosage for crew members still
appears reasonable.”



Select target paragraph3