
returned to the deck and to work.

At that time hewas wearing a cotton cap,

undershirt, sweater, cotton pants and cotton gloves. “After work he washed his

hands and face with seawater and "Monogen".

Two or three days later he began to have

his body three times with seawater.
itching of his linvs and ears.

Subsequently he washed the rest of

There was slight darxening of his skin.

nausea, no vomiting and no epilation.

He had no

On March 19 he began to experience a thick

yellow discharge from both eyes.
On phgsical examination there was seen a well developed and muscled young
Japanese male,

Around the mouth and on the posterior aspect of the neck were

erythematous areas and groups of vesicles.

The submandibular, anterior cervical

and supraclavicular nodes were palpable bilaterally.
“~pitrochlear node,
were clear,

There was a small left

None of these lymphatics were tender.

The eyes were slightly

The nasal pharynx showed no ulceration or gingival bleeding.

The lungs

The heart was not enlarged, the sounds were of good quality; in the

third left interspace along the left sternal border there was a grade II systolic
murmur which was not transmitted.
there were no masses.

The rate and rhythm were normal.

The spleen was not palpable.

breadths below the costal margin but was not tender.

_ Laboratory Work:

In the abdomer.

The liver was down two finger
No other organs were palpable.

See Appendix

This 22-year old Japanese fishing schooner captain was awekened on the morning
of March 1 by a flesh of light coming through the porthole of his cabin.
immediately went out on the bridge but the flash had disappeared,


Several hours

\ter the ship was overcast by clouds and there began to fall a fine dust shower,

At this time he was at the wheel on the bridge.

At 6:30 a.m. patient closed fore

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