Later that same day he began to have smarting of the eyes,
mild malaise for three days.

gastrointestinal symptoms.
hair and body.

At no time did he have nausea, vomiting or any other

On the third day after the ash shower he washed his

On the fourth day the scalp began to itch.

there wes evilation of the parietal region.
the scalp had a serous

This was followed by


to itch.

On the 10th of March

On_the 14th of March this area of

At the same time both bars and the neck began


On the 10th of March he began to have itching and darkening of the skin on
both insteps and between the first and second toes of both feet.

At the present

time the patient hes no cormpléints except for some discomfort of the eyes on arisin;
Physical examination revealed a well developed, well nourished young man.
On the top of his head was an ulceration acproximately 2.5 centimeters in dizmeter.
Various areas of the scalp were epilated and around the neck, midwaist, and circumoral regions, there wes a thick white pastewhich hed been used to cover
vesiculéted areas.

There were a few vesiculations under the left nipple.

The sub-

mandibular, supraclavicular, anterior cervicals, axillary, and inguinal lymph
nodes were palpable.

There was one large right posterior auricular non-tender

The eyes were clear except for lacrimation.

and heart were clear.
the costal margin.

The fundi, nasal-pharynx, lungs.

In the abdomen the liver was felt two finger-breadths below

Though the spleen was not palpable, it was enlarged to percus-

There were no other masses felt,

Laboratory Work:

See Appendix

At the time when the fellout begain, this 29-year old patient was dressed as

wide-brinmed hat, long-sleeved cotton and wool shirt, rubberized over-

alls, cotton pants, cotton shorts, cotton socks, and rubbdér boots.


This patient

Select target paragraph3