discharge which increased until March 14 and then gradually subsided.

fourtofivedaysafterexposure he was told his skin was pigmented a mddy

brown color.

This is still evident.

About the same time he had nausea and vomit-

There was never any diarrhea, constipation, fever, gingival bleeding, .

petechiae or purpura.
While aboard ship he trimmed his nails once; after reaching port - three times
On March 15, he entered the hospital in Yaizu because of the pigmentation and
eye pain, and swelling of the skin around the mouth, over the wrist and right
index finger accompanied by itching and pain.
On physical examination there was seen a well developed and muscled Japanese

Around the mouth, over both wrists, on the fingers, and on the anterior

anc posterior aspects of the neck there was seen erythematous and vesiculated


The anterior cervical, axillary, inguinal nodes were enlarged, firn,

and nontender.

The ears, particularly on the left side, showed the cracking and

swelling of the epithelium.
mation or discharge.
or gingival bleeding.

The eyes were clear and showed no evidence of inflam

The fundi were clear.

The heart and lungs were clear.

no organs or masses palpable.
Laboratory “ork:

The nasopharynx showed no ulcerations
In the abdomen there were

There were no areas of tenderness.

See Appendix

This 36-year old fisherman was exposed at the same time as the other crew

He was dressed with a cotton snirt, cotton pants, cotton shorts, cotton

socks, and rubber boots.

(He had no rubber overalls.)

He had wrapped around his

head a towel which left the top of his head uncovered,
During the fallout he was on the outdeck of the ship except for a meal.


Select target paragraph3