The ship reached Yaim at 9:00 a.m. on the fourth of March.

The patient

went home, toéok a bath in fresh water, using common toilet soap, and also washed

his hair,

The patient then went to the ~

He then had a haircut (regular long).

Kyoritsu Hospital in Yaizu, together with other shipmates, where he was examined
and medication applied to the ear.

On 15 March the patient was seen in the out-patient clinic of Tokyo University
Hospital and was advised to enter the hospital for examination and treatment.


returned to Yaizu that day and returned on 16 March to be admitted, to the Shimizu
Surgical Service of Tokyo University Hospital.

Since admission the patient has

had no complaint except for changes in the skin lesion, with increase in pignenta-~
tion, and some spread of the lesions in the hands.
The patient has had daily baths at this hospital, has had his hair cut short

and nails trimmed.

Several blood counts and bone marrow aspirations have been

Non-specific medication has been applied to the skin lesions, and the

eyes are being treated daily with boric acid solution washings.
On physical examination there was seen a well developed and muscled young
Japanese male.

-His temperature wes 99.0, pulse 84, BP 135/60.

On the head was

a well demarcated area completely around the cranium where his hat had protected
his scalp.

The unprotected area showed a darkening of the skin with some slight

desquamation which revealed what appeared tc be a normal pigmented skini

back of the neck there was one small discrete pustule.
swelling with cracking of the skin.

On the

th ears showed slight

In the left ear the skin was eroded and

there wes a sanguinous purulent discharge; this type discharge was also seen in
the left auditory canal.

Both hands showed some swelling; however on the palmar

surfece of the left second, third and fourth fingers, there were huge blisters
_ running the lengthof the fingers which had a greenish gray hue.


Over the beltline

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