
just be felt by the finger tips under the left costal margin; it was not tender,

Anoscopy revealed an internal

On rectal examination no masses were palpable.

hemorrhoid and some erosion of the rectal mucosa due to instruventation,
hands weve markedly swollen and could not be closed.


They were not tender,

the base of the right thumbnail, under the nail, was a small hemorrhage,



reflexes were physiolcgical,
Laboratory Reports:

See Appendices


(Tokyo Case}

At around 4:00 a.m. of 1 March 1954, this patient who is chief engineer
stopped the ship's engine and went up on deck.
on the horizon to the west.
the clouds,

He imiediately noticed clouds

He saw no flash, and noticed no luminosity within

There was no definite mushroom shape to the clouds,

Three minutes

after arriving on the deck he heard’ a loud, dull explcsion which was boovuobevedy
follewed by two lizht reports,

‘The snatjent stetes that the direction of the

flash as seen by others was tomechehedy checked on charts and proved to be in
the direction of Bikini; they surmized that this might be an atomic explosion.
It was decided to move immediately and the patient went aown to the engine room
and started the engine.

The ship advanced toward the east, and the patient

bomaxbebehy began to help the other members of the crew in raising the fish lines,
‘nile he was working on deck the patient noticed that the clouds gradually spreed
over the sky from the west, until al:ost the entire sky was covered except in
the east, vhere he could see some clear sky.

At about 6:00 a.m, a fine,

whitish cust began to settle on the ship, blown in by a very slight wind from

the east,




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