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‘Whe Bikini council picked Rongerik,

«:about 100 miles to the east, to settle on.

#*yillage was built there by Seabecs and

the people, then almost 170 in number,
~were taken there by Navy LST on March
6 and 7, 1946. The people took with




: thatch panels and outrigger canoes.
“Word was sent out through official
" -government channels that the ‘people of

sBikini had gotten:-a good deal. “The

‘<Miatives are delighted and -enthusiastic
-eeabout the atomic bomb,which has already

' - brought therm prosperity.and a new-prom. ising future,” said a Navy press release.
An -Associated Press story said
“Rongerik is much more beautiful and
‘is a richer island than Bikini. Rongerik is
-about three times larger than Bikini and
roughly triangular. Coconuts here are
‘three or four times as large as those on
Bikini and food is plentiful.”
:But the Bikini council knew differ-ently. While their ato}] had 26 islands and
2.32 square miles of land,-Rongérik had
-ten islands with 0.17 square miles of land.
lt was also believed to be influenced by evil spirit and the fish in the lagoon
” were consistently toxic.
' “Relocation
was accomplished
swiftly and with little planning,” anthropologist Robert Kiste wrote in his book
on the Bikini people. ““As soon as the

people began to subsist on local foods,

it became apparent that Rongerik’s re- sources had been greatly overestimated,
_and were, in fact, inadequate.”

Two months after they arrived, the
Bikini people made their first request to
return home. In’ June of 1947, a Navy
board of investigation found the pcople

were in serious straits and recommended

they be moved.
By now, it was becoming clear to
scientists studying Bikini atoll that, more

thana year after the twoinitial tests, no.

- one could take the responsibility for cer‘tifying the atoll as safe for human habi- tation.
Neal Hines, in his book “Proving

ever, to be optimistic. “One year later the

= Scientists and military personnel now en-

gaged in an intensive six week survey of
Bikini atoll can find few visible effects of

in the assembly’ facility at Parry Island

on Enewetak to risk its destruction.
Activity moved back to Bikini, but
at a scale that dwarfed the earlier tests.

subjects sailed in outrigger canoes.”

Feo much had

“Bravo” was 750 times more powerful

‘been invested

than the atomic bombs detonated there

eight years before. Meanwhile, the people

In.March of 1948, the people of

of Bikini stayed on Kili, a harsh andisola-

:Bikini-were moved to Kwajalein and the . ted place.
following fall to Kili, an island which had
President Eisenhower announced a
headquartered a copra plantation during
moratorium on atmospheric testing in
1958 and the Pacific Proving Ground fell
the German period in the Marshalls. Kili
had rich soil but a number of serious | -silent. Ten years later, President Johnson
announced that, with the exception of
several islands, radiation levels on Bikini
atoll were low enough to allow safe rehabitation. Sources on Kili at the time
. 7 oHR
- sore
said the news was greeted with outright
Asmonths went by, the mood tume


++ I





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publicized event,.and brought back a disturbing report to Kili. “There were differences,” said Nathan Note, scribe of Bikini.
“IiL.was not the original Bikini people
have seen, just because of bombs wiping
it out.”
Kiste, the anthropologist, said the



restoration program at Bikini did not receive the full support of the Trust Territory administration. Equipment was frequently out of repair, air service to the
atoll was terminated and supplies and
wages for workers came through spora. dically.
By 1969, the ‘population on Kili
-was 344 and the Bikini people were
spreading out through the Marshalls, to
- Ebeye near Kwajalein, to Majuro and to
other atolls, such as Jaluit, Ailinglaplap
and Lae.What had once been a community was being pulled apart.
Whether or not their atoll was a

The Morsholls, 29 coral atollmand five istands

scattered over 357,000 square miles of acean,
served os the U.S. Pacific Proving Ground until
the late 1950°s,

‘ed to deep disillusionment. Several Bikini
people went to their homeatoll, a widely-






















drawbacks, not the least being it was an
island, not an atoll, and with a land mass
one sixth that of Bikini atoll. |
It had no sheltered fishing area or
protected anchorage and was virtually
inaccessible during the heavy seas of the
winter months. Generations of skills useful for lagoon life were worthless on this
island. Efforts at development at Kili
were set back by typhoons, food became, .safe place to return to becamean increasScarce and pressures grew to return to
ingly complicated question. According to .
a suit filed by the Bikini people in federal
Fite ated ENOd eta LeeSL GdSerer Lee cee pears

AEC officials were concerned over the

-the possibility of radionuclides |


tribution of radioactive substances in the

organisms in and about Bikini Lagoon.
In fact, some activity was found in organ‘isms taken from every part of the Bikini
area that was sampled . .
Official statements‘continued, how-

bigger tests. Too much had beeninvested

ed lagoon on which King Judah and his

ed to the atoll in 1947 and found the

almost opaque. Hines said the Radiobiology Group found ‘“‘very widespread dis- .


AEC that Bikini would be needed for the

that blast,” the Navy. said, referring to
Bikini atoll as “the same placid palm ring-

Ground,” recounts how scientists return-

lagoon waters, once clear, had become


-such as strontium 90, cesium 137

cand plutonium 239 and 240 -- all
‘known cancer-causing agents- - -

- getting into the water supply and
- cultivated food on Bikini. The AEC’s





cautions, for the most part were iqnored.

befeiLheandesSel al PATS,lraeeReore “ raattae ea erry Pee alyte

After the two nuclear shots in 1946,

the atoll was used as a minor support area
and the action shifted to Enewetak. But
the detonation of “Mike” there and the
atomization of an entire island by that
hydrogen device, made it clear to the







court in Hawaii, a number of reconymendations made by the AEC on how theresettlement should be done on Bikini
Island, the spot favored by the people to
tclocate, were. not followed by the Department of Interior or the Trust Terri.

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