Upton, New York 11973


Medical Department

(516) 345- 3577

November 1, 1977

Dr. Masao Kumangai
Director of Health Services
Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands
Saipan, Mariana Islands 96950
Dear Masao,

I was sorry I did not get to see you and Mr. Winkel in
We are in the process of getting new personnel in our
Dr. Hugh Pratt, an internist at Birmingham, AL,a
retired naval Captain will be hired as of January 15, 1978.
He will eventually be my relief when I retire in a little
over a year. We think we will be hiring Dr. William Grant,
formerly with your group at Ebeye.
I got Ezra's o.k. before
I approached him about the job of relieving Dr. Knudsen as
our Resident Physician.
In addition, we have hired a Physician's
Assistant, recently graduated from University of N.Y. at Stony
Brook, named Richard Coppola.
He will be arriving with his
wife at Kwajalein November 16 to join Knudsen. Knudsen will
leave about January 1.
Will you take care of any T.T. licensing
necessary for Grant and Coppola?
I would like for us to get together sometime to discuss

awritten agreement regarding responsibilities (I.T. and our

own)’ for the Ebeye Hospital situation and perhaps spell out to’
a greater extent our agreement of last February at Kwajalein.
I will be in further touch with you about this.
With regard to PL 5-52, I do not think the Congress of
Micronesia is likely to do anything, particularly with the M.I.
separationist movement. Perhaps DOE (formerly ERDA) should get
together with DOI and T.T. about a new agreement with Ataji in

on the act.

I firmly believe that the new agreement should not

involve any per diem (other than a small daily stipend) but have
travel, housing, and subsistence furnished to the patient.
past system invites abuse because of the money-making aspects.

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