In response to a question by Mr. Strauss, Mr. Vance commented
on his discussions with the Director, ODM, who had indicated that other
considerations besides dispersal might be over-riding.

He also referred

to a letter to the President dated May 3, 1955, concerning the location

of the headquarters building.

Mr. Libby suggested that Mr. Strauss

discuss with the President at his meeting on Monday the desirability of
AEC moving to the new location,

U,S.S.R. Offer of Material to Norway
Mr. Strauss reported on a letter which Mr. Randers, Director

of the Norwegian Atomic Energy Institute, had received from a U.5S,S.R,
scientist offering Norway 10 kilograms of uranium at 2% enrichment and
50 to 100 kilograms of zirconium.

The letter also invited Norwegian

sclenvists to use certain U.S,5.R. accelerators and research reactors,
Mr. Strauss said that Mr. Randers would like to have the Commission's
informal views on the offer.

He said that he believed the Commission

should encourage Norway to accept the offer since this would reduce the
amount of material the U.S.S.R. had available for weapons.
said he agreed that the offer should be accepted.

Mr. Libby

He added that he

believed the U. S. should assist countries which the U.S,S.R. assisted,
as &@ matter of principle.


Nuclear Powered Merchant Ship
Mr. Strauss said that the President's Naval Aide had informed

him that the Maritime Administration had presented to the President,

modified designs for the nuclear powered merchant ship.

He inquired

whether the Division of Reactor Development was aware that the Maritime
Administration had proposed design changes.


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