
Speech on Fallout - Mr. Libby said that on April 20,

he would speak on the subject of radioactive fallout.

U. N. Radiation Committee - Mr. Libby inquired whether

any comments had been received from other government agencies

concerning the disclosure of methods of collecting radioactive
fallout samples on a world wide basis.

He observed that if AEC

referred to the samples during meetings of the U. N. Scientific
Committee on Radiation, it would be necessary to disclose the
source of these samples.

Mr. Strauss said that he would

discuss the matter with the Under Secretary of State later in
the day.

AEC Support of University Research Reactors ~- Mr. Libby

sald he believed the Commission should consider means of
supporting a part of the additional cost of the research

reactor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Mr. Cook said he would determine whether the National Science
Foundation had funds available for this purpose,


AEC Headquarters Building
Mr. Vance referred to the postponement of solicitation of

bids for the AEC headquarters building and said it would be desirable
for the Commission to consider this matter as soon as possible.

Mr, Liboy

suggested that it be considered at the Commission meeting on Tuesday,
March 20.

Mr. Strauss said that he would prepare a memorandum on his


Mr, Murray said he was opposed to ary change in present plans

to move to Germantown.

At this point Mr. Murray left the meeting.



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