that it would be desirable to invite a limited number of press representatives to attend Operation REDWING.

Mr. Strauss said he would speak to the

Under Secretary of State later in the day and would inform him of the
Commissioners' views on press attendance.

He added that if AEC's views

were not accepted by the other agencies, he believed it should be made
clear that it was not the Commission's decision to exclude press representatives.

2. Agenda
The Commissioners reviewed and approved the Agenda for the
week of March 19.

Mr. Strauss said that he would prepare a memorandum

of his discussions with the Under Secretary of State and with the President
on the observer program for Operation REDWING since he would not be able
to attend the meeting scheduled for Tuesday, March 20.

He also said that

he would prepare a memorandum commenting on AEC 822 /1 - "Personnel Security

Cases", if he had any comments.

Items of Information


Position on Disarmament - Mr. Strauss said that he had

informed Mr. Fine that he concurred in the Commission's approval

at Meeting 1185 on March 14 of the revised Position Paper on
Restrictions on Nuclear Weapons Tests.

London Disarmament Discussions - Mr. Strauss reported

that two messages nad been received from Mr. Gardner who was
attending the London Disarmament Subcommittee discussions and

that Mr. Foster would circulate these messages to the Commissioners,



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