
As clearing operations provide entry into heavily vegetated areas,

bio/environmental samples such as vegetation, soil cores and ground water

will be taken as appropriate at Bikini Atoll and returned to the laboratory

for analysis.

Collection of debris and disposal will be performed by the AEC

contractor. Disposal will be in water of sufficient depth such that the scrap
material will be unavailable to the returning population.

On Enyu, particular attention during clearing operations will be given
to the old aircraft decontamination pad located near the three piers and marked
with radiation warning signs. The metal scrap pile will also be monitored
closely during removal.
All facilities that are to remain and all sites of former scientific
warehouses and docks will be given particular monitoring attention during

If during clearing and removal operations, it is determined that
working conditions are not safe, work will cease and personnel will be removed from the work location until the CJTG 8.8 makes a decision on pro-

cedures to be followed.

The On-Site Radiological Safety Officer, and the

NVOO Safety Advisor or his representative, will assist the commander in

these decisions.

Protective clothing and respirators will be available and

used when indicated.
Following clearing and scrap removal operations, the AEC will
evaluate the results obtained, will review the monitoring and sample analysis

data, and will determine what, if any, additional restrictions or precautions
may be needed in order to certify that Bikini Atoll is now safe for return of
the population. This certification will be provided through the NVOOSafety


Initial deployment of personnel and equipment will be made from


Deployment of backup elements will be subject to call from CJTG 8.8.


Phasing for deployment to portions of Bikini Atoll other than Bikini

Johnston Atoll on the first sea lift on or about 10 Feb. On-site capability
will be established immediately upon landing on the Bikini Atoll.

and Enyu Islands will be determined on-site.


Final Radiological Safety Report will be made to CJTF 8 upon conclusion
of Bikini restoration operations. Daily logs of rad-safe operations will be
maintained and interim rad-safe reports will be furnished as required.

Select target paragraph3