

Bill Bair
April 18, 1978
Page 2

‘ 4.)

Perhaps the best method would be to estimate the dose separately for
each 1/4 or 1/2 hectare unit on the island using the estimated average

soil concentration for the unit.

These unit dose estimates could

then be weighted depending on projected utilization by the inhabitants.


I feel it is very important that Madaline Barnes, Jo Jane Giacomini, and/or

Burt Friesen (the statistics group) be actively involved in planning the upcoming plowing experiment at Enewetak Atoll.

The pre and post plowing sampling

design must be carefully planned for an efficient evaluation of the effects
of plowing.

The above individuals will be analyzing and interpreting the data

and hence should be involved from the very beginning.
DNA MilitaryCommand
I feel we should communicate to DOE the problems outlined to us by Roger
Ray on April 14, 1978 regarding the lack of authority of the local military
commander to make decisions.

It is perhaps doubtful whether the military would

be willing to change their present mode of operation, but we should point out
problems as they exist.

Quality Control, IMP Calibration and Statistical Methods
I have not had sufficient time to gather the necessary information for an
adequate evaluation of quality control, IMP calibration, and statistical design


I am arranging to obtain information (assuming Roger Ray's concurrence)

that wil] make such an evaluation possible.

I will be contacting John Tipton

(EG&G) concerning the “calibration” of the IMP, and Mike Ortiz (Eberline) who
makes periodic audits on the Enewetak Analytical Laboratory.

The information

could be sent to all members of the Advisory group if you think it appropriate.

Select target paragraph3