characterized by a narrow, slightly elevated ridge near the reef edge, the
Lithothamnion ridge, which is lacking on the leeward side.

The latter

drops off vertically to depths of 100 to 200 feet on the seaward side, while
the seaward slope of the windward reef falls away at an angle of about
forty-five degrees.
On the reef and in the lagoon,there is an abundance of colorful plant
and animal life in which the keen competition between different species

for space and food is very evident.

On every hand there is evidence of

rapid growth and simultaneous destruction.

Masses of reef-building

coral are competing with each other and with the coralline marine algae

for space, one often overgrowing the other.
fish gnaw wide scratches on the coral.

Schools of green parrot-

Fleshy patches of algae are

pressed tightly against the surface of the coral to hold against the surges
of the water pushed across the reef by the crashing breakers.
urchins and clams grind niches into the hard coral,


some of them


stantly feeding on the cover of bacterial and algal film which is as constantly being replaced.

The clams, the corals, some small fish and

other forms are ceaselessly removing from suspension in the water the
small, often microscopic, plants, animals, and bits of debris which
make up the plankton.

In regions of

quieter water, where sand has been

deposited, sea cucumbers and spider snails, among the larger forms,
turn the sand again and again in their gleaning for food.

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