
radioactive isotopes of cobalt account for 7 to 20 percent of the radioactivity and Mn>4

2 to6 percent.

The minimum concentrations of radioactive materials are found
in the carnivores, for these fishes, like the reef-dwelling groupers,
or the roaming carnivores, like the tuna and barracuda, obtain their

"tag" of radioactive material only after it has been passed through a
number of living forms which select, retain, or reject various


With the passage of time longer-term studies indi-

cate that several years after a single contamination of an area the
carnivorous fish contain the greatest amount of radioactivity.
The carnivorous fish such as tuna and bonito, caught in the
Open ocean, contain Zn§5 at the highest levels of any of the three
groups of fish.

In these animals Zn6° accounts for 75 to 92 percent

of the total radioactivity; Fe99-59 | 6 to 25 oercent; the cobalt radioisotopes,1 to 3 percent, and Mn°4 , less than 1 percent.
In ‘all species of fish, the greatest amountof radioactivity is
found in the alimentary tract, with liver, skin, bone and muscle having

lesser amounts in descending order.

Skin and bone are quite similar

in the amounts present, and usually the radioactivity averages
twice that found in the muscle.


The liver may have two to nine times

as much radioactivity as the bone or skin, and the alimentary tract
contains two to four times as much as the liver.

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