especially in profile #1, which was a very disturbed site. Soil from profile
#3 has radionuclide levels which are higher by about a factor of 10 than
levels found in profiles 1 and 2. A map of the profile sites and a description
of the soil characteristics is also attached (Page 5 of my trip report which
I sent to you earlier).

The status of the other analyses to be performed on the samples discussed above
is as follows:
Pu - all the samples are extracted and plated and will be
counted by 12 July, 90Sr = the samples are ready for 90Y extraction ana will
be counted by about the 23rd of July, 55Fe - two samples have been counted and
three more will be counted by 12 July.
It has taken somewhat longer than we anticipated for the Pu and 90sr analyses
because we decided that the y~spectrum, Pu and 90sr analyses should be run on
a single sample rather than taking separate aliquots for Pu and 90Sr analyses.
Thus, the Pu analyses began after gamma-counting, and 90Sr analyses began after
the Pu extraction.
This type of procedure should give the best data for a
comparison of the gamma-emitting radionuclides, Pu and 90sr,
Sincerely yours,

VAN: ah
Mr. John Stewart

Victor A. Nelson
Fisheries Biologist

Select target paragraph3