The 119th meeting of the AEC Advisory Committee for Biology and
Medicine was held on June 8-9, 1967, at the AEC Headquarters, Germantown,
Those in attendance from the Committee were Drs. Earl L.
Green (Chairman), Philip P. Cohen (Vice-Chairman), William F. Bale,
Arie J. Haagen-Smit, Lemuel C, McGee, R. D. Moseley, Jr., and James B,
Wyngaarden, and Miss Rosemary Elmo (Executive Secretary).
Dr. M. B.
Russell and Dr. Harvey M, Patt (Scientific Secretary) were unable to
The meeting was also attended by Dr. Charles L. Dunham,
Director, Division of Biology ans Medicine, his successor, Dr. John R.
Totter, and various members of the staff of the Division of Biology and
Workmen's Compensation Status Report.
Dr. William Doran, Division of
Gperational Safety, brought the Committee up to date on the status of the
proposed employer-state federal records and reports system for ionizing
radiation workers for Workmen's Compensation purposes.
The records
system has been modified viz, a) the employer's record indicates
personnel identification and occupational radiation dosimetry only;

the state role remains unchanged;


the federal record

includes an

annual report for external radiation for those who have received for a
quaeterly period 25% of MPE and a body burden for internally deposited
radionuclides, and name and Social Security number only for those monitored

employees who have received less than these amounts.

The employer will

maintain a record on those for whom monitoring is required and when a
transient worker leaves his employment a record of accumulated radiation
would be forwarded to the federal record.
[In order for states to be
eligible for federal assistance to participate in records system it was
formerly required that they institute changes in the state compensation
laws to bring them in line with a model law.
The Atomic Energy LaborManagement Advisory Committee (AELMAC) now recommends that states not be
required to change their laws in order to be eligible for federal assistance,
Non-agreement states would have a choice of either adopting U.S.
American Standards Institute (USASI) recommendations for record keeping
or a modified AEC proposal,
A meeting of representatives of all organizations (approximately 20) with whom individual meetings have been held
will be scheduled before any final action is instituted.
Status of Uranium Tailings Radon Sampling.
Dr. Alex Perge, Division of
Operational Safety, reported on the status of the uranium tailings radon


He referred to the "Joint Federal Agency Position" of the

Department of Interior and the Department of Health, Education and
Welfare recommendations that uranium mill tailings piles at inactive mills
be stabilized to prevent wind and water erosion.
This would preclude the
spread of airborne particulate radioactivity.
Because the existence and
significance of such spread has been a subject of disagreement in the past,
the AEC and Public Health Service have agreed to conduct a joint sampling
program to evaluate the public health aspects of radon gas near tailings,
particularly stabilized tg#ikings.
The program will be concentrated at


Select target paragraph3