Never let patients be unammompanied when teken out of the Trust Terratory.

Realizing the difficulties imposed by language barrier almost all patients
taker to the U.S. for trectment have been accompanied by Marshallese attendants.

On about two occassions, for various reasons, this did not occur. The health of

these patients, however, was entirely satisfactory for travel unattended and the
airline hostesses were moSt attentive to them, Every effort will be made in the

future to have all patients accompanied by Marshalles attendants when traveling
outside the Trust Terratory.

Crea te a mecnanism for better interaction between doctor and patient.

On completion of the medical examination the doctors have attempted to

explain the findings and treatment recomnended to each person.

This has some~

times been difficult due to unavailability of interpreters at the time. Every
effort will be made to imporve this situation in the new expanded medical program
being instituted.

Though everyone on the Island will have an opportunity to be

examined, there will be more medical personnel and interpreters available and
there vill be ean opportunity for personal interviews with each person examined
to discuss findinga and treatment,
We want the AEC doctors to take care of all our diseases and ailments with the
same thoroughness as for thyroid diseases.

While the physicains are on the outer Islands, both at the time of the

annual examinations and the quarterly visit by the Resident Physician, every

effort will be made to give every patient the best treatment possible. As in
the past any disease that develops in an exposed person that appears to be redated to radiation exposure may be taken to the U.S. for further diagnosis and
treatment as in the case of those with thyroid nodules. Most patients, however,
that recuire hospitalization will be treated in the Trust Terratory hospitals,
The AEC Residant Physician will assist the Trust Terratory medical personnel in
giving the most thorough treatment possible, If the patient cannot be given
the best treatment in the Trust Terratory they will be taken to other hospitals
for treatment,

Wie need some people to come to the Island and thoroughly exolain to us what
happened in 1954 and what is the oresent state of redioactive cantemination,
Fist it should be. said that there has been continued assessment of the

z on Rongelap, Utirik and Bikini. Many
tests have been and are being made on soil, plants, water and on persons

living on the islands by measurement of radiation in individuals and radiation
checks of urine.
The results indicate that the levels of exposure are so
low as not to present a scrious threat to their health,
In the near future

an areal survey for radiation in the northern Marshalls is planned which
should give better information on the outlying islands of the atolls. It is
also planned to invite several radiological scientists from the International

Atomic Energy Agency to carry out an independent evaluation of the rediological
Situation on these islands at the time of this survey. .

With regard to education of the people on these islands about radiation and
its effects it is planned that Dr. Jan Nadu, .ausclentist from India, will visit
the islands of Rongelap and Utirik for several weeks on each atoll and carfy out
an educatiousl program on this subject using illustrated lectures and demonStrations




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