

fnalrsis of winds aloft:


At 10,006 feet a belt of outdraNs across the Fecifie, et sp

prodinately 25 to 3° desrees north, cave easterir flow -ereraUy
thrcughout the northern Marsnalls.
storaz in the vicinity of Haweii.

There wes an inter.se “ons
A numer of waak short-duratios

circulations charecterized by licht and variable winds feces ani
dissipated between the equator and 20 degrees nerth.

One clocxe

wise circalation develsped near mniwetok on 23 February and drifted

toward Ruseie, giving weak westerly Slow over the shot area.


general situction persisted through SRAVO plus 3 days, vith viods
at all times less than 1 imots at Eniwstok.

Analysis at this

level was cifficult and very changeadle.

&t 20,000 feet, the major systems on BRAVO minus 5 cays were

a large ovtdraft 20 dezrees north, 170 degrees east, and deep

xciddle latitude troughs near 145 degrees east and 150 degrees wert.
This Latter trough remained stationary while the western trough

meved eastward, forcing the outdraft to 180 degrees east, thecce
southward and westward into the Marshalls.

This trend resutec

in shot site wirds veering from east through south to west anc
continued after B5AVO day.

Speeds were under 20 !mots until Save

plus 1 day, then increase? to aprroxizately 30 acts om SrAv0 plus
2 days.



at 30,005 feet and 10,000 feet, 2 delt of cleserise circula

tions cemersd near 10 decrees north moved slowly southward witk


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