in the SncRI erea.

To the east of SinDIT the flor was cs

northwesterly (Chart No. 3).


of SIKINI ena west of FE aJ-LED, givin: westeriies at «his lever

At 10,00 feet the emire Sow was

clockwise, features approaching large scale turbulence in nature


and showing ouite erratic movemems; however, there was a general


broxen up by a group of minor eddies, toth clockwise and counter

West wind in the vicinity of BIER, with the wind speeds seing

very light (Chart lic. 2).

Forecast for Shot—Tine

The following forecasts, besed on the promostic chart for

shot tine (Chart No. 5), were issued at the indicated tines fer
BRivO shot—time:


(a) B-U8 Urs: \EATHER:

Scattered cumilus, scattered cirrts,

Widely scattered showers.


Surfece easterly lv to

15 knots = Ter thousand feet easterly at 15 to 25 mts -

50 thousand feet southwesterly at 10 to 20 kmots = 5
thousand feet southerly at 5 to 15 knots.

(b) He38S Hrs:


Scattered cumilus bases 2950, s-at-

tered cirrus based at 35,000 feet, very widely scattered


.oDS: Surface &C to 95 decrees at 15 to 29,

knots = Ten thousand feet ED tc 95 degrees at 1$ te 2
ects - 20 thousand feet 92 cegrees at 10 to 15 :amsts 32 thousand feet southerly at 5 te 10 mots = 42 thossasc
feet 220 +o 250 degrees at

20 Imots = 52 theusans feet

scubhwesterly 2t 220 to 250 degrees at 20 Imsts = 2.

tnousand feet northerly at 16 to 15 iz.cts.




Select target paragraph3