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Frotection of Transient Shipping During Operation CASTLE


Inforeation from all the above sources wee channeled

into the task force headquarters for eveluaticn and

consideration at the Weather/Radsafe Command Briefings.


The resulta of the above efforts for ERAVO were as follcws:

411 imown transient shipping was diverted outside the

hazardous fall-out area.

The Petapsco (A0G-1) was sailed

from Eniwetok to be out of the hazardous area by shot tine.

The Trust Territory ship M/¥ Roque wes operat


the designated sector (from Kwajalein to Utirik), arriving
at Utirik on the earning of 2 March 1954 and departing Ctirik on 3 March 1954. The Roque wes subsequently located
and monitored at Majuro and found to have insignificant
levels of radiation, The Merapi was enroute from Fonolaula
to Bniwetok but. well cutside the designated sector area at
shot time, The Merapi was monitored upon arrival at Fniwetok and found not contaminated.


Based on the forecast significant cloud travel (forecast
made on the night of B-3 days) the P2V sweep for Be2 days


was directed along true tearing 300 degrees from ground

sero, No ships were sighted on this sweep. Based on the
Be2 day shot time forecast, the P2V sweep for Bel day was
directed along true bearing 330 degrees to a distance of
375 nantical miles. The reduction in distance was tased
on forecast reduction in resultant wind speeds. This sweep con-

tacted the USS General Patrick at 17-318, 162-C3E on course
266 degrees, speed 16 knots, at 1204M, 28 Petruary 1954. As

she would clear the designated sector by shot tine, ske was
not diverted by the patrol aircraft. Based on a re-fcrecast

(made on Bel day) of the significant cloud movement for B

day, it was decided to search in advance of tke cloud along

bearing 65 degrees true from ground sero out to 600 nautical
miles. Two P2V's were used. The first of these became
taminated early in ite mission and was forced to return
bese. The second was directed to pick up the searck in
approximate location of the previous abert am carry it


to the 600 miles. The only centact reported by these air‘eraft was the Patapsco (40G-1) sighted st 12-21N, 170-428,

at 1935M, 1 Karch 1954, course 30 degrees, speed 1C koote.
The Patapsco was turned to an easterly beading at 2030K, 1
March 1954. The-Commender in Chief, Pacific Fleet was advised later to have the Patapsco ronitored upon arrival et
Eonolnlu in the event a check erroute could act be eccorplisbed.

Select target paragraph3