
This report is divided into five parts. Part ONE is a ceneral

deseription of the report.

Part TWO is a discussion of the radiological

safety problems created by the CASTLE mission of the task force, and their
solutions as planned and executed during the shot phase of the eperation.
Part THREE is a discussion of falleout forecasting techniques.


depicts the Radsafe organization. Part FIVE is a discussion of conclusions
drawn from the execution of the CASTLES radielogical safety plan and recomen~
dations for future operations similar to Operation CASTLE.

The report is designed to cover the over-all CASTLE radiological

safety matters from the viewpoint ef those issues of direct concern to Head=

quarters, Joint Task Force SEVEN.

Since each task group was responsible for

its om internal radiological safety as generally defined in CJTF SEVEN

Operation Order 3-53 (Tab A), no attempt will be made herein to amplify on
the details of the operations of the task groups except as they pertain to,
or directly support, the responsibilitios of the task force as a whole.

However, due to the basic reliance of task force operations on floating

facilities in the test area, the radiclegical safety portion of the TC 7.3
final repert has been extracted and appended hereto.

The radiological

safety details of TG 7.1 shot atoll eperations are being published separately
as a WE report arm will be available approximately September 1954.


TG 7.1 report will include full details on photodosimetry, radiechemics] work
performed on-site, shot atoll radsafe surveys and recovery operations.

‘This report has been written for the express purpose of assisting

in the development of future radiological safety plans by presenting dctailed
discussions of the problems and solutions arising during CASTLE.

is such,

Select target paragraph3