ENIWETOK for all BIKINI shots,

At BIKINI the original plan to leave a firing

party in the firing bunker on NAN was discontinued subsequent to BRAVO for
safety reasons,

No personnel were left on any other BIKINI site for any of

the BIKINI shots.

The problem of protection of task force persennel was

solved as follows:

Personnel in the BIKINI area were completely evacuated (except

for the firing party on BRAVO).

Disposition of ships was made such that all

personnel would be in the most favorable position with respect to the wind
pattern and fall-out area and sufficiently distant so as to be safe from
blast and thermal effects.

Additionally, cleud tracking efforts were nain-

tained to detect, in advance, areas of potential radioactive hazard up-wind
of task force ships,


Since the ewacuatian of the primary camp at ENIWETOK Atoll as

a result of fall-out from BIKINI shcts would cause considerable expense, effor
and subsequent delay in the operation, the wind patterns for the shots were
carefully examined for possible adverse fall-out effects in the direction of

In addition, as discussed in paragraph & under cleud tracking, a

careful post-shet check was made of the air space between ENIWETOK and
BIKINI in order, if required, to give adwance warning ef hazardous contamination likely to drift amd fall-out on ENIVETOX.

Lastly, a system cf collection

and reporting of Radsafe informatien from all populated areas of ENT.ZTCK
Atell was placed in effect from Hehour to at least H plus 24 hours, extended
as required by special circumstances.

It should by noted that primary re-

liance was placed upom the examination of forecest and observed wind patterns,
plus the cloud tracking effort, inasmuch as these actiens provided the maxtoum

advance warning of potentially hazardous conditions up-wind of ZNIWETCK,


Select target paragraph3