the results of the aerial survey flights,

2f primary value in this regerd

was the KWaJALEIN Flight ASLE which cowered all the Marshall Islanis atolls
north of KWAJALSIN.

This flight was made as a matter of routine fur the task

force om the day following each shot.

Since secondary fall-out (of neo major

significance to the task force) was forecast on scue of the shcts, Flicht ABLE
was frequently re-flown subsoquent to D plua 1 day for the primery benefit of

HASL documentation, KiaJaLEIN Flights BiKER and CHARLIE (Marshall Islends
Atolls southeast and southwest of KWaJALFIN) were not as a cateer cf ccurse
flown for task force interests except following ER«VO and during rcll-up following the last shot of the CASTLE series.

in genersl, the principal value to

the task force of the NYKOPO flightsduring the operation Lay in the use of

the information collected ta confirm forecast fall-out and cloud tracking

results and to advise CINCPACFLT of the fall-out effects on inhabited Paeific

(c) In addition to the flights indicated in Tab C, a special

flight KING was set up following BRAVO to cower the Gilbert Ialanis on the
aseurption that some of the BRAVO eontamination conceivably could hawe reached

this area,

Since the Gilberts are under British control, CINCPACFLT was

requested to.arrange ckearéncd
for the U. S. aircraft to overfly the islands.

The flight was cleared:with the British through tho U. S. Naval .ttache's
office in London and flowm on KUuvVO plus § days; no significant intensities
were encountered,
(4) Prior to the fourth CaSTLE shot, the Division of Biology
and Hledicine, .iC, through HSL NYKOPO, initiated an effort to attempt docunentation of the heavy dam-wind fall-out by the use of styrofoam rafts.


tions were completed in tize for the project to be used on the {aiNKEE shvt.

Select target paragraph3