Radsafe OFFICE.

The eliminaticn cf even the most minute flaws in the systen,

and recommendations for changes based on 2erial tracking experience Juring
the CaSTLE shots, were the prime factcrs in the successful expluyment -f long
range aerial surveys on the test series.

(6) Support of Fall-out Program Conducted by the Health and
Safety Laboratory, New York Operations Office, -EC (HaSL NYK*7PC):

In an

attempt to document the Long range’ fall-out aspects of high yleld shots at

the PPS, the Health and Safety Laboratcriss (HASL) cof the New Yurk Cperations
Office, »EC (in coordination with the task furce ind CINCPACFLT) spcnssred
a program cf greund, serial ami shis-board monitcring staticas in the Pacific
covering an area genertily bounded by the equatcr to the south, Japan to the

North, Hawaiian Islands ts the cast ani the Philippine [slands tc the west.
Althcugh this program was ticd in with permanent HSL NYKOPO staticns in the

United States, the discussicn here will be linited ts the effort made in the

The detailed fcatures of the network of staticns is indicated in

Inclosure 6 of Tab C.

(a) In addition to the mejor support items listed in Tab,
the task force headquarters made space and clerical assistance available in
the Radsaf2 OFFICE for HiSL supervisory sersonnel, prowidei cocmunicaticns
facilities tc the many outlying ground stations, provide! trinspertcti-cn ts

all of the outlying task foreo weather stations, UJELANG

1nd W.KE, =m

prowided transportation assistance ts such <thu> sites outside tisk ¢.rce

control as was nocessary,

In addition, the Radsafs Unit cf TG 7.1 s2ce soace

amd equioment ivailable for storage aml repaar of KASL instruments.

(b) In turn, the H.SL NYKOPO effort provided the tisk £ me
with current date on the rads=fe situation at the various ground st>ticns inc


Select target paragraph3