the aircraft reading was taken before, during or after major fall-out, it
remains for the fixed ground monitor station to bring about the neccessary
precision for firm longerange decisions,

The primary ind unique v-lue of

aerial surveys lies in the fact that large areas can bo covered rapidly with,
at least, order—of-magnituds precisicn,

if such aerial operstions are properl

timed with forecast and observed winds, mich of the uncertainty is eliminated;
interpretation of the data cbteined can previde extremely vrluable and vital
facts for timely ind safe decisicns pending the outecme of any nscessary
detailed anid precisa serial or ground surveys.

The BR..VO cireunstinces,

however, emmhatized chat fr-uss operrtions in the Paetf{Lé ehsovid make csaximun
use of fuliy equipped greund ocnitor stations to augment elont trasicns,

preferably manned stations with twoeway radio facilities.

(g) Although the relative insignificance of C.STIZ clouds

more than 24 hours old resulted in cessation of major cloud tracking efforts
at the end of the period of time, long-range intercepts of the cloud were

requested from UiF - »FC.T-1 to augment and complete the record of any
possible task force interest beyond 24 hours,

These intercepts were usually

made approximately D plus 2 or 3 days anc indicated intensities considerably

leas than 1.0 orfhr.
(bh) Im summary. *h: cisud tracking cperetions {cr C..S1LE
were highly successful. ecnaiderin,; tha sericus such .ffcrts

in the Pacific,

The sucecss cf ths operations was attributable t2 constant

efforts to isoreve the t-ciuniqucs ind alrcersft util zation Sy onsrzing
the difficulttos and cheuumstonses cf each shot ss the test atties ceogreass2t.
This spirit of "prefit o7 pase experience" was the dominsnt aspect cf the
relationship cetween the wecther reconnaissance crews “nd vne task force

Select target paragraph3