tion by about noon on BRaVO plus one day.

Use of the WB=29 es a Low level

aerial monitor cn the afternoon of shot days, as described above, wis cne of
the pést-BRAVO changes in the Radsefe Plan to improve the early f2ll-cut
warning capability of the task force.

among other measures, 4lso taken, was

the instellstion of a direct CW link between the WB-29 airercft an. the Rad~
safe OFFICE in order that more positive and rapid radsafe control of the aim
craft flight ¢ould be assured.



(d) although the capability of WB=29 covorege was naintained

for the pericd of H to H plus 48 hours, only the first 2h-hour periol was use
on all shots.

This was duc tc the fact thet intensitics encountcr-< as l-te

as H plus 24 hours wero in no instances significant ard to the fact thet the
crews on normal woather reconnaissance flights (usually two separate flights)
on D plus 1 dsy wore instructed to meke half-nourly radiation reports,


econsequones, cloud tracking coverage was maintained normlly by two “B-29's

flying from H plus 2 hours to about H plus 14 hours (i.¢., the special low
level racetrack and sector seareh, Plight #1 of Tab E), one ‘/B-29 flying froz

H plus 12 to H plus 24 hours (Flight #2 of Tab £), two WB-29's flying regula:
weathor recormaissance flights and rcporting radistion encountered on D plus
1 day, and NYROPO Flight ABLE flown on 0 plus 1 dsy.
(e} THe original plin for rediation reporting providec fcr

the cloud trackers tdgive reedings in block values (i.e., 0-10 ar/hr, 10-50
orfhar, 50-100 mrf/ar, ete.).

This was revised by a change in the reporting

procedure to report the exact reading in mr/hr within the reporting dlock
value given.

another change was made tc indicate the type instrument uscd ¢

make the reading,

.« further chango provided for rosdings to be reportcc 3s

gross values with no attempt made by the aireraft crow to subtract aireraft

Select target paragraph3