the natives gathered together to discuss tho strange phenomena; the tize
required for the evacuation was consequently short.


(5) Cloud tracking:

The term "Cloud Tracking’, 2s used in the

CaSTLE Radsafe Plan, is probably oore likely than not, 2a misnomer.

The opera-

tions could be more precisely considered as ‘aerial Surveys", being surveys

of sensitive areas to detect the developmont of potentially hazardous con<citions.

carly in the planning stageyof C.STLE it was realizel thst a strietlL

cloud tracking operation at the Pacifie Proving Ground would be uneconomical
if not practically impossiole,

Considering the availability of aircraft to

engage in such work, and the nature of the answers whieh were vital from a

safety standpoint, it was epparent that certain areas in thu vicinity of
the testing grounds were sensitive, whereas others were either not critical,

or of interest only academically,

It was also apparent that a cloud tracking

effort of the type normally mounted for shots at the Nevada Proving Ground
had little chance of success due to the extreme differential in cloud heights
for the two proving grounds,

also, due to the fact that normally there are

at least two major angular wind shear lewels at the Pacifie Proving Ground,

» considerable number of aircraft wuld be required to follow cach of the thre
or more cloud segmenta formed, whereas tnc normal situction in Nevaca is one
low major shear lewel and therefor only thc one mijor upper clu scgment to


To be perfectly precise, considerablu angular shear is prescnt in

most Nevada clouds; however, relatively speaking, the sector of cloud travel

in Newada 4s wery narrow compared to the wide sector of travel csusei by
complete reversals of wind directions in the Pacific,

The normal concitisons

at the PPG latitude is east-northeast trade wind flow up to ten to twenty
thousand feet, easterly flow above thc tropopause (i.¢., above appreximcteiy

fifty-Cive thousand fcct) and variable winds between.

Since favorable shot

Select target paragraph3