the cloud transit, was not measured on any of the native atolls, but was

observed following ROMEO during light secondary fall-out at BIKINI.

(e} Although the deposition of radioactive matter on native

atolls from each shot subsequent to BR.VO was relatively insignificant,

contimuous additions of small amounts of contamination can eventually build
up an appreciable background of long-lived fission products,

This conceivably

could result in prohibitive levels causing cessation of testing or permanent
removal of native inhabitants.

(f) Provision should be made on future operations to nessure
the effects of radiation "shine" on at least the inhabited northern Mershall
Islands .tolls.

«jlso, to recordthe total dose for the operation, or fora

particular event, a representative mumber of film badges should be cached,
or worn by responsible personnel on these atolls,

In order to maintain stande

ard conditions of dosimetry, task force film badges ami task force processing
of the badges should be used,

(g) In order to avoid delay in determining the occurrence
of fall-out on native atolls, and to implement paragraph 4.d(1)(f) above,
manned monitor stations should be maintained on at least the northern Marshall
Islands ‘tolls.

These monitors should be equipped with two-way radic commini~

cations facilities, preferably of the CW-type for reliability and low power

(2) Cloud trajectories end interference with air routes:

Definitive data on this subject were passed to CINCP.CFLT in terms of specific
recommendations against closure of routes or to close a specified route
for a specified pericd of time.

Forecast trajectories were given in ters=s

of the geographical coordinates of the 24, 48 amd 72-hour forecast positions

av ee


Select target paragraph3