situations .avolving tactical action against foreign intervention or emergency

rescue operations,

The specification of the tactical dese as a guide was

in conformity with basic rules in such cases wherein a commander or officer~
inechavge mst mike decisions weighing the damage probabilities amd other

adverse effects of the possible lines of action in tactical or emergency

Orf-si+u Operations:



Sy JCS decisions dated 13 April 1951 and 14 april 1953, CINCPAC

was given -esp-onsibility for the safety of all stations and units of the

ares, suber th-n-JTF SEVEN, relative to the hasards introduced by the CASTLE

Sy these directives, CUTF SEVEN was specifically directed to

provide tor the safety of personnel and units assigned to the task force.

CJUTP SEVEN was additionally directed to advise CINCPAC of the special hazards
and canger crsas involved in the tests and appropriate precautions required


to insure the safety of units in the arca within tnc purview of the Pacific
Command other thin JTF SEVEN,


As a consequence (by CINCPAC Serial 0024, subject:


Safe iy 2nd Meverant Contrel of Joint Task Force SEVEN During active Phases

+2 Cooration CaSTLE, dated 13 Jamary 1954), CINCPa: directed CINCP.CFLT
t? escums complete responsibility on safetymatters for CLNCPAC and to take
Sich sacticn as necessary to previde for the safety of all units and populated

arnas cf th: Pacific, except those attached to JTF SEVEN, incident to the
hazzrde irtretuced by Operaticn CASTILE.

In connection with this respansibilit

CUMPACFLT wes directed to:

(1) Tako action on all advisories incident to all possible effort
ef CJTP SEVEN to minim te hasards to inhabitants of populated Pacific Islands.

Select target paragraph3