- received &8 an exception as epposed to the frequent and regular lifetine
expesure rate for the Rule or Legal dose limit.

It also assumes that indivi

dusls 20 exposed will be kept from any further exposure if at all possible.
The uppor limits cf the tactical dese (taken cver short intervals) were as


(1) Leas than l0Or: Little effect.
(2) Mere than 106r:

Fessibie deterteration (nausea and verit-

ing), no deaths,

(3) 20@r: Same deaths might eccur, rapid deterieration.
(4) s5Ort Mean Lethal Dose (MLD), 1.6, expectation ef 5C% deaths
(5S) 6§0r: Lethal in most cases,

The CASTLE Radsafe Plan was necessarily dosigned to meet the

requirements ef the Rule Dose limits,

Certain medifications were nade in the

rules as f¢llews (with the concurrence ef the Surgeens General ef the three
Serivces and the Director, Divisien of Biclogy and Medicine, AEC):

(1) The integrated exposure ef O.3r per week for 13 weeks (3.5r)
was authorised to be taken witheut limitation as to the rate of expesure and
without regard to the individual's radiation histery provided no ever-expesure

remained fer compenastion,

The 3.9r wes further augmented by O.3r per week

fer each week in excess of 13 weeks required for Operation CASTILE,


CASTLE, insofar as persenmel radiation expesure was concerned, was deaignsted
ta start on the first ewent minus 15 days fer al) task force personnel.

(2) Tae crew members of air sampling aireraft were authorized an
MPE ef 20r fer the entire peried of Operation CASTLE.

All personnel so ex~

preed were te be removed from further werk in rediation until sufficient time

elapsed to bring their average exposure dom te 0.3r per week.


It was planned

Select target paragraph3