’ This evacuation could be on an austere basis utilizing existing ships in the

area and with a "standing roan enly” philescphy,


At one time it appeared that it might become necessary or desin

able to leave small mmbers of emergency andutility persennel at the ENINMAN
site during the NAMU and barge shota,

In this event it was recommended that

she plan include only a few peeple (on the order ef two er three helicepter
leads) to remain where their presence was necessary to man instrument sites,
camp utilities or airstrip emergency equipment.

Should it become neccssary,

this small mumber ef peeple cculd be drawn off rapidly enough to prevent

accumulation of high exposures,

Although it was recognised that even large

numbers could be evacuated within a reasonable longth of time and with perhaps
enly mild ever-expesures, gach an evantuality could conceivably hamper future
operations by using up for a large mmbor of personnel om ome shot most, if

net all or more, af the authorized radiation expesures for the entire eperation.

As the shots pregressed it became mere and more apperent that the

Planning assumptions were justified.

Except fer the yield of BRAVO (which

effectively aggravated ari exaggerated all the adverse features in the existing

wind structure) the assumptions were sufficiently valid to predict the end
result with a fair degree of accuracy,

As a general statement BRAVO behated

to @ great extent like a highly contaminating surface burst over a wide plane
‘ef earth.

The great amount ef sclid material carried up into the colum end

mushroom returned to the ground ferming roughly a circular iscdose line pattern

en the shot atoll.

Leng range down-wind, this shet preduced intensities mich

higher than hitherte seen or expected in test operations to distances up to
Contamination ef the

300 miles ever a period ef approximately 12 to 18 hours.

ENYU and_ENINMANcam sites was predicted from the. BavO.uind asttarn. alineuch



Select target paragraph3