. not be present fer the barge shets,

At Bikini BAXER, the water causing the

base mirge wes part ef the blast and fireball, having been carried up alcng
with Ond mixed with the highly radieactive particles,

Fer the barge shets,

any water raised should be that which is sucked up into the relatively ecol
slaid stem,

Past experience, particularly with dust drawn up in tower shets

ln Nevada, has shown Little radiegctivityte be present in the resulting
material which returns to the surface from the lewer cloud stem.


it seemed probable that a phencmens would eccur on the barge shets which

would have the appearance of a base surge (due to large quantities of water

falling back into the lagoen), it was not expected that appreciable radiation
would be transper. od in this fashien as was the case at Bikini BAKER.


icing, it seemed that the local contamination preblem was most urgent for the

NAMI shot, and considerably less urgent for the barge shots, In this respect,
the ground seres were favorable, the NAM shot being most distant fram the
clesest camp site (ENINMAN), and the barge shots closer, but less likely to
highly contaminate the camp.

It was considered that the chances were nore

against, than for, high radicactive centamination of the camp sites,

It was reccomended that personnel ef the ENINMAN camp site be

evacuated (less theese persons indicated in ¢ belew) for the NAMU and the
barge shots,

At # plus three to four hours Radsafe survey work would allew

& positive determination of whether or net high contamination levels existed,
or would exist, at the camp sites.

In the event of contamination at the camp

site, knowledge of the decay characteristics of tho radicactive fall-out wuld
be such that an accurate prediction ceuld be made for a favorable re-entry

Under the worst condition, task force personnel would be required te

spend about 24 hours for either "cooling off" ef the camp site er for a
return trin to Eniwetok in the event extended "ecoling off" time was necessary.



Select target paragraph3