the circulating winds.

As a consequence, the up=-wind or cressewind distances

become critical, the lateral spread of tho early fall-eut being such that
relatively high radiation intensitics can oceur in these directions.


Operation CASTLE, it was assumed that the problems raised by this phencmens
mad most likely cecur at HIXINI.

This atoll, being relatively narrow along

<l@ north-south axis, with ground zeros along the northern reef, and camp
sites on the south (ENINMAN and ENYU), was assumed to be particularly suscep
rible to the crossewind and up-wind fall-out.

It was assumed that with detona-

‘sLens along the northern reef, with ylelds on the order of MIKE ant fired
iwder the ground sere conditions of MIKE, fall-out on the ENINMAN camp ceuld

4e expected to reach a mocimm of 1.0 to 10.0 reentgens per hour within about
4s to three hours aftor H-hour,

This could mean a delay of from one to.

two weeks in putting the ENINMAN camp back into full time eperation.


“ions on ENYU were assumed to be considerably better due to the greater
distances from cero points and its relatively up=-wind pesitien.

For the

shots involved, the reef shot southwest of NAM) and the barge shots in the
vicinity of YUROCHI, it was expected that the NAMJ siot should give thse mest

trouble since its firing conditions would vary nearly approximate those

Here the conditiens for heavy fall-out, namely the u-take of a

large quantity of coral (to which the radioactive particles could cendense),
would be such that the coral particle scavenging action should be as efficient
as MIKE, resulting in considerable fall-out in the atoll area cross-wind and

Since the barge shots were tobe fired in water of a depth approxi-

mately that of the MIKE crater, it was expected that little coral cr bettom
material would be taken up into the "hot" cloud,

Consequently, the scaveng~

ing action in the atoll region was expected to be greatly lessened.

[t snuid

also be noted that the conditions for a highly radieactive base surge would

Select target paragraph3