Posteshot experience indicated reasonable agreement with the fcrecast except
that the southern islands were not appreciably contaminated from this shot.

The bulk cf the contamination expereienced was confined to the northern and
eastern islands, including NaN.

YNKEE characteristics were completely within the

experience of (OMEO and UNION.

.pprecdable air intensities were meesured

over NAN and LE and in the general vicinity of Rongelap, however, no
appreciable ground deposition was asscciatod with these observations.


The ocean fall-out pattern was roughly <elineated

for this shct by the .EC's New York Operations Office program (usins acrial

surveys of styrofoam rafts ani the water itaclf) and by Project 2.5a (using

surface water sampling techniques).

In addition to the documentation of

YaNKEZ, this work was extremely useful in organising the plan used by these

two groups on the last shot (NECTAR).
1. Lsngerange contamination from Y.NKEE was slizht at
Rongelap in comparison with 2G4EO, and, although aerial intensities in the
vicinity north of Bikar were measured in the roentgen range as late as H plus

20 hours, no significant increase in the ground readings (extrapolated fron
aerial survey at about H plus 36 hours) were noted at this atoll.

One isclated incident of interest involved two LST's

(one with wash<down equipment, the other without special gear) enroute (in
company) to Pearl, at approsdmately 700 nautical niles east northeast of
ground zero,

These ships observed intensities of 40 and 96 ar/hr saximums

for the washedown and ncn-washdown ships respectively,
at H plus 31 hours and continued until H plus 42 hours,

Ccntamination started
..tomic counter

measures taken by the LST's reduced intensities to approxinctely 8 te 10 =r/hi
maximums... Itis. conjectured that an appreciable cortion of the -bserveticns

Select target paragraph3