it deposited intensities comparable tt HuvO on chjects exposed broadside to

the cloud drift,

The longerange 2G4E0 cloud persisted for = considers

able tine, apparently transiting Nongelap and Nongerik .tolls on plus one


Effects of the cloud were also recorded at Bikini at about H plus 42

hours and at Eniwetok at about H plus $4 hours.

Intensities at Bikini

reached values of 15 to 8% ar/nr. Intensities at Eniwetok ranged from about

5 to 15 or/hr; Kwajalein recorded 1 to 9 nr/hr at about the sane tine.

J. To evaluate the effects of the tradewinds on
Endwetok, one additional cloud tracker was placed to the west of cround zero
at 5,000 feet to augment the routine tracker at 10,000 feet,

acrial intensi-

ties in the roentgen range wre detected to the north of an eastewest line be.

tween Blicini and Eniwetok.,

Eniwetok was especially alertud to this fact;

however, all contamination passed to the north.

The seneral results of 20MEO,

and other water surface shots, indicate that, had the contaminstion passcu
over iniwetok, much of the intensity values would have resulted from 4 "shine
16. Detailed radsafe information, and pertinent weather
factors are presented in Tab L.

(c) KOON


KOON midelevel winds were southerly to southeasterly,

becoming southerly to 25,000 and west southwesterly to 60,000 feet by 4 plus

3 hours,

The tredewinds were very shallow, averaging about 2,000 to 4,0CO

feet in depth during the first three hours after the shot.


KOON was a land surface shot detonated on the western

tip of ENINM.N (T.2E) at Bikini.

Select target paragraph3