is contained in Tab H.

13. Detailed radsafe information, and pertinent weather
factors, are presented in Tab K,


ROMEO midelevel winds were southerly except that the

tops of those levels (50,000 to 60,000 feet) were westerly at shot tice,
becoming southerly by H plus 2 heures.

The tradewinds were easterly at shot

tine with a layer of southerlies between 6,000 snd 12,000 feet.


tradewind level to 20,000 feet shifted to east southeasterly by H“pius 2 hours,

JOMEO was fired from a barge st Hi.VO GZ in water

approximately 110 fect deep, the first water surface shot in the history of
U. S. atomic testing,


‘The task force flcet was located approximately 30

miles southeast of ground serd,


Closeein ground contamination from ROMEO was linited

to a radius of approxinately 10 miles, the values being somewhat less than

for BA:WO.


Lagoon contamination from iOMEO was limited cssene.

tially to a drift of radioactivity toward the south along the western reefs,
flushing alowly out the western channels.



No significent health haard resulted fron .0 50,

oither to units of the task force or to populated islands in the vicinity,

although appreciatle (but not hasardous) contamination was depositoc on
songelap and Rongerik.

Preliminary reports from Project 2.58 (Fell-cut

Distribution) indicated that the aerosoletype cloud from “OMEO tence. to
resist. fall-out off the shot atoll for at least 50. mtleadownuiod. but frat.


Select target paragraph3