
Some of the Rongslap nitives received total exposures in uxcese of

100 reentgens,

No fatalities or known simificant after-effects resulted,

The Utirik natives received approximately 17 rcentgens.

Tho report on the

core and treatment of the natives will be presented in detail inthe final
report of the nilitary effects tests programs,

May 1954.


The Utirik natives were returned to their hones in

The 2ongolap natives wore moved to Hajuro ..toll in June 1954 to

occupy 4 now temporary village constructed with task force facilitics,

matorials and funds,

dditional tesk foree funds will be furnished, ss

necessary, to reinburse the Trust Territories for necessary native living
costs while housed at Majure.

1Q. It is estimated that Gongolap .toll will be safe for
native re-cccupancy by about 1 Mey 1955.

In tho interin, quarterly inspec-

tion trips will be mde to Rormelap .toll by specinl survey parties to
determine the progressive contaminstion status and the exact date of return

of the natives,

ly. One Japanese fishing vessel was contaminated in an

area reported by the Japanese to be approximately 80 to 90 miles east northeast of Bikini.

The reported position of this vessel was within the pattern

of the search sircraft on shot day.

Fseilure to contact the Japanese vessel

was due to severe aerial contaminstion of the search aircraft when approxmately within radar renge cf the ship.

The replacenent search aircraft,

directed to pick up amd complete the search pattern, was unable to sweep the
. Closewin area miseed by the orisinal aircraft dus to the same radiolosicsl

32. Detailed information on the, evacuation ani rehatili-~
tation of the darshall Island natives and the Javanese fisning veseesl inciusnt

Select target paragraph3