poses no special problems;

i.e., personnel decon pro~

cedures, ship decon procedures, aircraft decon procedures,
If there is occasion to decontaminate ground
vehicles, even though of a military nature, this would
be of particular value. It is assumed that full coverage of Task Force Safety measures will be made routinely,
and this coverage will also be of use to FCIA,.


Water safety, In the event that potable water supplies
are left on islands at the predicted perimeters of effects,
such supplies probably would be monitored and the water
pronounced safe for use -~ if such were the case,

Picturization would provide a useful Civil Defense illustration. Similarly, recreational fishing commonly has taken
place after shots, This, too, would provide useful
picture material for Civil Defense,


Proximity of personnel to bursts. Manned stations would
be of particular interest if used, and if subject to declassification, For example, photography of the firing
party at Nan bunker during CASTLE BRAVO would have been
of partioular value for Civil Defense illustration,

Ralph E, Spear

Assistant Administrator

Planning Staff


Select target paragraph3