
Shots of detonations from various angles, From the
point of visual impact, magnitude of detonation as seen
on the screen is a function of camera distance as well

as shot yield,

Therefore a great need is for detonation

shots that provide a proper frame of reference.


example, if a multimegaton shot at Bikini could be photographed from Eniwetok and the distance given in general

terms, 1.e,, "180 miles,” the motion picture would give a

much better idea of order of magnitude, Civil Defense
could then relate the distance to well known distances
between cities, A human figure, and perhaps palms, in the

foreground of such a shot would lend further meaning.

For shots closer to the point of burst, a ship of recogniz-

able size in the foregrdund would have a similar effect,
In general, relating the shot to known distances would

allow super-imposition of animated effects later in order

to obtain maximum understanding of the scope of effects,
Similarly, relating automatic camera coverage to known

distances would be of great value,

The declassification

ditficulties inherent in such a proposal are recognized,

ard it should be made clear that FCDA does not require a
high order of precision in distance relationships,


of magnitude figures gencrally are adequate for Civil

Delense purposes,


Effects of blast and thermal radiation, These are difficult to picture adequately under circumstances of an
Eniwetok Test Site Operation, However, the following
suggestions may be helpful,
On the advice of the Test

Director's organization, it may be possible to select

positions and structures where effects will be visible,
Before and after shots may be planned for such positions,
Such shots would be more useful if related to distances,
As an example, damage to installations on various islands
from CASTLE BRAVO would have provided good before and after
pictures to demonstrate the effects of blast,
It would
also be of considerable value if pictorial differentiation
between shock and drag targets were possible. Such pictures
may possibly be obtained in cooperation with military effects programs, Similarly, any picturization of duration
of thermal radiation would be of major assistance in
illustrating propagation of this effect by large weapons,
although it is difficult to imagine how such pictures
could be taken except through the use of automatic cameras,

Effects of fallout.
I+ is assumed that fallout collecting
devices will be used in substantial quantity and that before and after pictures of the devices will be available,
Picturization of macroscopic fallout particles could be
used in a way that would not be misleading.


iliustrating prediction techniques, with predicted patterns
related to actual patterns would be of great value,
addition, FCDA wishes to stress the need for radiological
defense monitoring,
Pictures emphasizing that fallout
measurements must be made, both by automatic recording
stations and monitor personnel in aircraft and surface
vessels, would be of use,
Coverage of personnel protection
activities would pose no particular problems, Ease of decontamination should be stressed, where decontamination

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Select target paragraph3