-23Possible Proscription of Use of Islands
Although the snewetak People will wmt to visit ail of tne islands and
islets in the atoll and to exploit their natural resources, I believe that

if any of these areas were found to be hazardous because of remaining radiation, the veople would comply with bhe restrictions which weuld be necessary

for their safety. This would be a matter of local policing by the community
itself. A thorough explanation should be made to the emtire community in
language that they can undershand so that the reasons for imposing such restrictions would be be clearly understend and appreciated by everyone. This
seme procedure should apply to any restrictions against eating certain foods
produced on Brewetak,

Mr.Tommy McCraw

did an excellent job in explaining the radiological

hazards and prohibitions on Bikini to the Bikini exiles on Killi Island
in 1968, His advice should be solicited if the situation on imewetak should
warrant it.


Select target paragraph3