In the Late 1930s the Imperial Japanese High Command decided to make
Enewetak an important Link in their strategy for the conquest of the Pacific

area. During tne years 1939-1941 thousands

of army, navy, marine, and

engineer corps personnel, and Korean and Okinawan Laborers poured into

Enewetak. Elaborate fortifications were installed, and a Large airfield
was constructed on Enjebi Island. Marshallese youths from all over the
Marshalls were later pressed into service as Laborers on the fortifications

on Enewetak. The local people were also conscripted.
These fortifications were assaulted and overcome when United States forces

invaded Enewetak in Febbuary of 19u).
The Japanese had refused to allow the remaining Marshallese and Enewetak
People to leave the two main islands of the atoll. It is presumed that tthey
feared the islanders would contact the enemy forces and furnish them with
information of military valie. Some of tne islanders had already fled to the
smaller islands and others were able to flee when the bombardment started,
It is said that they did provide information of military value to the invading

A number of Marshallese laborers, and natives of Enewetak Atoll were
killed or wounded during the bombardment that preceded the actual invasion
of the atoll, and during the subsequent fighting. The traumatic experience

is recalled with sadness, and memories of great fear.
After the Americans had secured Enewetak tne Marshallese laborers who
so desired, were sent home as soon as possible. The local people were fed

and housed by the Navy. They look back on this period of free and lavish
Supplies of food and clothing, such as they had never seen before, as the



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