Figure. 1. Medical team.

for Cs'**.) These values are far belowthe accepted
maximum permissible body burdens.

Present Survey

The examination of the Rongelap people was
carried out at the Marshall Islands Memorial
Hospital at Majuro, Marshall Islands. (The peo-

ple have been quartered at Majuro Atoll since the

initial examinations were completed at Kwajalein.) In addition to the irradiated group. a

comparison group of unirradiated Rongelap peo-

ple was also examined.

The medical team consisted of nine American

physicians andscientists, one Marshallese practitioner, and six technicians (Figure 1). Continuity
of these studies has been aided by the fact that
several members (physicians and technicians) have
been with the team sincetheinitial studies. This
is also important in regard to insuring standardization of techniques from year to year (particularly in regard to the hematological studies).
Following a three-week period of examinations
at Majuro, the medical team proceeded via Navy
LST to Utirik Island (some 350 miles distant)

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