strontium-90 in the procedure as the separation involves a number of steps,
and consequently it is necessary to correct for yield.

This vield

correction varies from one soil type to another, but if the samole contains
negligible amounts of stable strontium, the weight of strontium carbonate
recovered from the added carrier strontium, is a good measure of the

However, in those cases where the stable strontium is appreciable,

the yield correction must be determined using strontium-85 tracer.


isotope is a pure gamma emitter and with sufficient washing and reprecipie

tation, does not interfere with the measurement of yttrium-90 beta activity.
It is possible to estimate the leached stable strontium by the simultaneous
use of both recovery techniques.

If this is to be done,

of strontium from calcium must be effected,


complete separation

On the other hand, if a measure

of the extracted stable strontium is not desired, the tracer can be used to

determine the strontium yield even when calcium has not been completely


It is important to realize that no strict procedure can be


written for soil samples in general as soils differ markedly from one
location to another,

This is not only true with regard to the relative

proportions of stable elements but also for the natural radioactivity which
is always present.

The procedure described in this report is not intended

to be specific with regard to the number of fuming nitric acid separations
necessary, for example, or volume conditions,

These must be determined


by the analyst for each separate sample.



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