
Wash the silica wita approximately 50 ml of hot 1:9 HNOz followed by
several washes With distilled water.


Discard the precipitate.

Transfer the filtrate to a 3 liter beaker and adjust the volume to
approximately 1.5 liters with distilled water.


Add 50 ems of oxalic acid with magnetic stirring until the salt is
completely dissoived.


Adjust the pH to 5.5 - 6.0 with NH,OH. (If the brown color of iron
(III) hydroxide persists, add more oxalic acid and readjust the pH.)
Repeat if necessary.

The optimum condition is an excess of oxalic

acid in solution without causing crystallization of ammonium oxalate
upon cooling.


Allow to stand for several hours, stir and filter with suction through

@ 15 cm No. 2 Whatman paper.

Discard the filtrate.

Transfer the precipitate and paper to an appropriate size nickel or

platinum dish and dry overnight at 110°C.

Ignite the oxalate precipitate in a muffle furnace at 400-500 degrees C

for 2 hours.

Raise the temperature to~700 degrees C and continue

heating for 2 hours.

(Spattering is minimized by ignition in this

manner. )


Cool the precipitate and transfer to an appropriate size beaker.
Dissolve in a minimm of 1:9 ENOz.«


Cool to room temperature.

Gently heat to boiling.

Filter through the smallest convenient size

glass fiber filter using suction, to remove the insoluble material.

Discard the residue.

Pour th: solution into a suitable size beaker and evaporate to dryness.
Tat evatoration mizt be done slowly to avoid spattering.
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