
Im wooded areas the non-uniform distribution of

tree canopies will lead to unsveness in deposition of fallout materials.
Soils having vary high earthworm activity should be avoided because of
uneven mixing of the soil to considerable depths.

Rodent activity also

renders areas unsuitable for sampling.

Sampling Methods and Toois
The degree of uniformity of fallout deposition has not had
adequate Csfinition.

However, it is known that a sample of 1 to 2

square fest will give a good answer if the area is made up of a composite
of at least £0 individual plugs or cores.

These individual cores should

be taken on some kind of systematic scheme or grid.

An area the size of

& gsmali room is adequate for the grid. If one expects to resample a given
area on a yearly basis, for example, a straight line of cores about one
Foot apart tas been shown to be satisfactory. (13)

The number of cores

must be known so that the analytical data can be related to a definite
ground suriate ara.







Tool3 for taking the sample may be anything that will take a

oe es SEEGER

euitivetsé Jand.

that is of enual area through its entire depth.

On soil

with reasonrabie base exchangs capacity due either to clay or organic

sample to the depth of 8 inches is adequate at the present
8s, it may bé necessary to go to deeper samples in
tue strontium-90.

A good pair of sampling tools is

Select target paragraph3